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Bose, 7-10 September 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality The Word of God in the Spiritual Life in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches   ...


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Bose, 30 August 2011 The 19th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality (Bose, 7–10 September 2011), at which will gather some of the major Biblical scholars and the most...


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Bose, 8 September 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality In questi giorni state riflettendo sull'importanza della Parola di Dio nella vita spirituale alla luc...


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Bose, 10 September 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality Ecco dunque una prima acquisizione di questi nostri giorni: la Scrittura permea tutta la vita della ...


  IV International Liturgical Conference 1- 3 June 2006 The Liturgical Space and its Orientation Monastery of Bose Ufficio Nazionale Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici - CEI  


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Merton e l’etica del viandante Avvenire, 9 October 2004 “La sua storia è finita. Ora non resta che comprenderla”, scriveva Merton nel suo diario all’indomani della morte di Boris Pasternak, con i...


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Bose, 10 September 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI I wish to remind us all that this our conferences from the very beginning ha...


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Bose, 12 settembre 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality God reveals Himself to man, but remains hidden: He awaits man’s response. Scriptu...


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Bose, 10 September 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality If we claim to retain the sacrament of the altar, we cannot forgo or forget the sacrament of the nei...


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Bose, 10 September 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality La Chiesa ortodossa considera la Sacra Scrittura come un tutto inscindibile, al cui centro si trova ...


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Alla fine degli anni ’40 e per tutto il decennio successivo Thomas Merton (Prades 1915 - Bangkok 1968), entrato ventisettenne nel monastero trappista del Gethsemani (Kentucky) solo tre anni dopo av...


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Bose, 7-10 September 2011 XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality È veramente il Signore che rende possibile questo, e non lo dico semplicemente per manifest...


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Assisi, 22 ottobre 2011 Benedizione del Monastero di San Masseo Oggi ricomincia qui un filo, uno dei tanti fili di questa storia meravigliosa. Chi lo tesserà questo filo? Lo Spirito di Dio, è lui i...


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“La vera solitudine è profondamente consapevole delle necessità di questo mondo: non tiene il mondo a distanza”, ha scritto Thomas Merton. La figura e l’eredità spirituale, sconcertante e avv...


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International Ecumenical Conferences on Orthodox Spirituality Portfolio ARCHIVIO   ARCHIVE   1993 la sala convegni 1st International Ecumenical Conf...


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    20th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality  MAN–CUSTODIAN OF CREATION Bose, Wednesday 5 - Saturday 8 September 2012 in collabo...


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Pentecost 2012 Letter to our friends no. 54 Dear friends and guests, this year we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Vatican II council. In our Christian and mona...


XIV International ecumenical conference on Orthodox spirituality Bose, 14-20 September 2006 Sotto il mantello della liturgia, l’unità della chiesa Silvia Ronchey - La Stampa, 16 September...


Website All the texts published on this website by the Monastery of Bose are protected under the copyright: "copyright © Monastero di Bose I-13887 Magnano BI" e-mail: in...


What is Bose? Bose is a monastic community of men and women belonging to different Christian churches. It is a monastic community seeking God in prayer, poverty, celibacy, and obedi...


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Bose, 5 September 2012 The safeguard of creation XX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality Solo l’uomo eucaristico percepisce la creazione come dono...


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Bose, 5 September 2012 AMVROSIJ, bishop of Gat?ina Per assicurare al nostro futuro una vita secondo natura è necessaria una autolimitazione ascetica, e che la moltitudine di beni mat...


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Bose, 8 September 2012 XX International Ecumenical Conference by ENZO BIANCHI Ecumenism is not a kind of compromise of tactics or of strategy, wrote metropolitan Anthony Bloom ...


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Bose, 8 September 2012 XX International Ecumenical Conference read by MICHEL VAN PARYS L’uomo è veramente il guardiano e il sovrintendente della creazione di Dio buona e b...


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A collection of high resolution photographs is available for print. To receive copies of these photographs, please write to the following e-mail address, and say which picture you are interested in...


If you have any technical question about this website, please contact the webmaster at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Credits We wish to thank our friends ...


Any comment about this website is welcomed. We will answer to your suggestions as much as possible. Thank you for your help. To send your comments and suggestions, please write to the f...


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This workshop was opened in the first years of the community to make the rich artistic heritage of the Christian East known to our friends and guests. In the past it produced copies of ancient icon...